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4 great reasons to upgrade your door locks

Friday, 26 February 2021

4 great reasons to upgrade your door locks

Never spent so much time at home? You’re not alone.

Since the coronavirus outbreak, back in March 2020, we’ve all been juggling parenting with work, home-schooling, cooking and cleaning. It’s fair to say we’ve had to learn to adapt quickly and, with the restrictions still in place, it’s looking like it could  be a while before normality resumes.

Whilst you might think that spending more time in the house means you can keep an eye on it, it’s important that you don’t let the most basic security standards go straight out of the window. Things like locking the doors, shutting the windows, securing all your tools in the garage or shed and not leaving valuable items on show.

Though frequently overlooked, your door locks ensure security and add function and style to your property. Could now be the ideal time to switch to new ones?

Let’s take a look at just a few of the reasons why you should consider an upgrade:

  1. You want to enhance home security

    If you’ve ever been a victim of burglary (or an attempted break-in) you’ll know how important it is to ramp up security – be it installing a house alarm, CCTV camera or motion sensor lighting. If your door locks are damaged, you should swap them for new, but even if they don’t appear to be broken, it’s worth replacing them as they may have been compromised.

  2. You can’t remember the last time you replaced them

    Do your locks look rusty and old? Have they started sticking or showing signs of wear and tear? Never changed them in all the time you’ve lived  there? These are all tell-tale signs that your door locks are in need of some TLC. Unfortunately, they don’t last forever and they get their fair share of harsh conditions (particularly during the winter months). So, if you can’t recall when you last had new locks installed, maybe now would be a good time to invest in new.

  3. You’ve recently moved into a new property

    Getting the keys to your dream house is exciting, but you mustn’t forget to buy new door locks to secure your brand new investment! You may think this is a tad excessive, however, you can never be too sure just how many people had access to your property before you moved in (i.e. previous owners, repair workers, neighbours, builders etc.). Changing the door locks will give you control over who has a key to your house and who doesn’t.

  4. You want more advanced features

Gone are the days where door locks must be opened using a key. Today, there are several types of door locks on the market, including smart locks that use Bluetooth and keyless locks that are operated using a touchscreen or keypad. Some locks even allow you to lock and unlock your doors remotely – no matter where in the world you may be!

For more information about these, call LockShop Direct on 0330 174 0851. Alternatively, if you’re ready to buy new, be sure to check out our extensive range of door locks today and find the most suitable one for your needs. And, remember, if you have any questions or would like an expert opinion, you’re welcome to get in touch.

Author: Richard Nash

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