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How does a burglar choose a house?

Monday, 07 September 2020

How does a burglar choose a house?

With over 356,000 burglaries (reported) in England and Wales in 2019-20, it’s no surprise you’re worried about your home security. We are too!

However, many things could make your home a target to criminals, and knowing what these are – and how to avoid them – could make all the difference.

Here we look at six things that make your house more appealing to burglars and advise on what you can do to protect your property:

  1. Your house isn’t secured

    Do you religiously check your windows and door locks before you go to bed? Or have even the basic security measures gone out of the window since lockdown?

    Open windows and doors allow burglars to access your home without attracting attention. They simply let themselves in, grab what they want and leave. Don’t make things even easier for them. Make sure your windows and doors are locked at all times – even when you’re home as some burglars will attempt to break in whilst you’re in the garden or a different room!

  2. Dark and covered areas outside your home

    Burglars are savvy. Most try their luck under the cover of darkness and target properties with poorly-lit back gardens or overgrown bushes and trees which they can hide in.

    With this in mind, we cannot recommend garden lighting enough – preferably motion sensor lights to illuminate the dark areas around your property. You should also make a conscious effort to keep on top of your garden to eliminate hiding spots.

  3. You leave valuable items on display

    Often, burglars have the same mindset. They want to be in and out of your property in a flash. But not all burglaries are planned. In fact, it’s believed that 47% of them are a spur of the moment thing and opportunity-based.

    Leaving valuables, like laptops, tablets and expensive handbags, on show will make your home an easy target for thieves. The same goes for the keys to your top-of-the-range car or sparkly diamond rings that you take off when washing up. Make sure you find a secure place to house all your valuables and keep them out of sight of prying eyes. You’ll find a variety of security safes on our sister site, eSafes, including an assortment of sizes and security levels.

  4. It’s obvious you’re on holiday

    Everyone is entitled to a holiday. But, the sad truth is, an empty house is very appealing to a burglar and reduces their chances of being caught or disturbed. There are few dead giveaways that you’re not home. For instance, your post box is full to the brim, your garden is looking a little worse for wear and there are no lights on in the house.

    Our best advice would be to let a neighbour or close friend know you’re going away and ask them to keep an eye on the place. You might also consider setting light timers to give the impression that someone is home. But be mindful, timed lights can be obvious to someone who’s stalking your home so be sure to set them for different times.

  5. You’ve been a previous target and haven’t changed anything

Unfortunately, there is a 1 in 4 chance that victims of burglary will be targeted again. And if a burglar was successful, they may believe that they will be successful again. After all, they’ll know the layout, what’s in the house and the quickest escape route!

One of the most important things to do once your property has been broken into is to ramp up security. Start by upgrading the alarm system, installing new door locks and burglary deterrents (i.e. CCTV, floodlights, motion sensors, etc.). This will decrease the risk of future break-ins and help to protect your home.

Are there weaknesses in your home security?

It could be anything that gives the impression your home is neither protected nor well-maintained. Keep an eye out for broken fence panels as these can prove useful for burglars fleeing the scene fast if  they are disturbed. Security lights that don’t work and door locks that stick are also things you need to rectify to make your home less of a target to burglars.

Luckily, we have a wide selection of door locks at our disposal, here at LockShop Direct. This includes everything from mortice locks and garage door locks to anti-snap cylinders, door chains and smart locks – all priced competitively. If you’d like to know more about our door locks or other security hardware, you’re welcome to get in touch at any time. Just give us a call on 0845 830 0832 or email, and we’ll get back to you.

Author: Richard Nash

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