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How To Reduce The Likelihood Of A Break-In

Friday, 04 November 2022

How To Reduce The Likelihood Of A Break-In

According to the Office for National Statistics, there were 192,060 home burglaries between March 2021 and June 2022.

This works out as an average of 526 break-ins a day. 

With such a high probability, it’s vital for homeowners to do what they can to protect themselves, their family and their belongings from criminals. 

In this blog, we’ll explore the ways you can protect your home from intruders. 

Update your door and window locks

It may sound simple, but installing sufficient door and window locks on your property can add valuable protection, as well as guarantee insurance premiums. 

When enquiring about home insurance, companies will ask about your locks, including the type and when they were installed. If they decide you have quality locks installed, you’re more likely to be protected if an incident occurs. 

However, even if you have approved locks in place, it’s important they are locked when you’re out of the house to be eligible for cover in the event of a break-in. 

Make sure to install your locks in line with British standards (all locks sold on LockShop Direct have been approved and meet the required standard) and lock them when you leave. 

Invest in smart security 

While traditional security measures are capable of keeping you safe, more modern means of security are now becoming popular among homeowners. 

When smart security is mentioned, people’s minds often go straight to CCTV and doorbells. These are great ways to monitor the interior and exterior of your home and are now being purchased more than ever. 

With smart security, there is usually a supporting app that can be used to control the setting of your systems to suit you and your home. With a live feed, you can also check on your home when you’re on the go - as long as you have a Bluetooth or internet connection, you can monitor your home no matter where you are. 

You will also be alerted if an unauthorised person enters your home, allowing you to call the police if you are too far away. 

With a smart doorbell, you can talk to people at your door. If you notice unusual activity (or want a parcel to be left with a neighbour), you can make it known that any passers-by are being recorded. 

But that isn’t all. 

Installing cameras also act as a deterrent to burglars. If they are planning a break-in but notice you have security measures in place, they know they’re more likely to get caught, reducing the likelihood of a break-in. 

Security lighting 

Security lights are lights you can install in and around the house that is set up to turn on and off at your chosen times. 

This is a great option all year round, but especially in the winter. As the days get shorter, many people find themselves coming home to darkness. With security lights you can put time settings on lamps to make it look like you’re home, deterring potential intruders.

You can also get outdoor lights that work with a sensor. If someone were to walk past, the light would come on. Many homes now have these in place, as they cause burglars to think the house is too high risk.

Is your home alarm working?

Many new build homes are fitted with home alarm systems as standard, increasing the safety of whole neighbourhoods. 

This is because, unless the front doors are unlocked quickly and the unique code is entered into the alarm system, a loud noise will activate. According to the alarm, an unauthorised person has entered the home.

These alarms often trigger security or home watch teams in the area, if not the emergency services. 

With supporting lights fitted to the exterior of the building, burglars will be able to see if an alarm is in operation in their target house. This will act as a deterrent, as they won’t want to make their crime noticeable to neighbours and alert security teams. 

Increase the safety of your home with LockShop Direct

Overall, security systems give you the peace of mind that you’ve done what you can to protect your home and everything in it. 

LockShop Direct is the home of locks, cameras, padlocks, and more to ensure every home is a secure one. 

Feel free to browse our site today, but if you have any questions about our product selection, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our knowledgeable team. You can call us on 0330 174 0851 or send your queries to - we’re more than happy to help.

Author: Innocent Olwo

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