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When should you replace your business locks?

Tuesday, 24 November 2020

When should you replace your business locks?

The impact of the coronavirus is being felt by all businesses around the world. And, over the past few months, employers have been installing safety screens, extra handwashing facilities and implementing one-way systems to ensure that the workplace is COVID-secure. Although this is a step in the right direction to control the spread of the virus, we mustn’t forget the most basic security measures (i.e. checking window and door locks are secure).

The locks that secure your business premises don’t just protect valuable equipment. They safeguard private and confidential data and defend your company’s reputation too. That means, even if your door locks appear to be working just fine – and your windows haven’t been opened for months, it’s still important that you take the time to check them. After all, they may have been compromised.

5 reasons to invest in new door locks:

  1. Lost or stolen keys

    If keyholders misplace their keys or keys are stolen from your pocket, bag or office, you can never be too sure where they have got to and whose hands they may have fallen into. Therefore, you must change your door locks with immediate effect.

    Your local locksmith should be able to help you replace your business locks and, the good news is, it’s a relatively quick and easy process which will save you the expense of burglary damage repairs and insurance claims.

  2. A member of staff has left

    To ensure everything is running like clockwork, it’s worth allocating keys to different members of staff – just in case you leave yours at home or are on the last minute. But what happens when a keyholder leaves the company?

    Even if it’s on positive terms and they return their keys, it’s wise to change the locks because you can’t be 100% certain that they haven’t made a copy. It’s especially important that you change the locks if a departing employee is disgruntled.

  3. You’ve just moved in

    Finally sealed the deal and got the keys to your business premises? Congratulations! But how sure are you that the previous owner of the building/tenants handed over all of the keys? You also want to be confident that the door locks are of the highest quality and fitted correctly. Any degree of uncertainty should prompt you to replace them to ensure your new place is secure.

  4. There’s been an attempted break-in

    The harsh reality is that there is every chance a burglar will come back with a better plan of action if, at first, they don’t succeed. So, if your locks have been compromised during an attempted break-in, we would highly recommend getting a replacement. As well as investing in new door locks to enhance security, we’d also advise installing an intruder alarm and other burglary deterrents to protect your property.

  5. The lock is faulty

As soon as you detect any sort of issue with your locks – be it jammed or stiff locks, dropping or wobbly handles, signs of wear and tear or difficulty turning the key – you should consider replacing them. After all, a lock that isn’t functioning properly won’t do anything to protect your property.

Purchase new door locks today!

If any of the above rings true with you, you should certainly consider replacing your current business locks for new. Alternatively, if your door locks are long overdue an upgrade, be sure to check out our extensive range today.

As security specialists, we have a wide selection available – including roller shutter security products, anti-snap cylinders, night latches and rim locks – and are confident that we have the perfect solution for you.

If you would like to know more about our door locks or have a question about the products we supply, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. The team is always on hand to help and will gladly share their expertise.

Author: Richard Nash

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