How Often Should You Change Your Door Locks?
Monday, 23 March 2020
Most locksmiths advise that a door lock should be changed once every seven years. However, this depends on a number of factors. If a lock is used rarely, it may remain fully functional for longer.
On the other hand, homeowners may wish to have their locks changed before this seven year period is over, depending on their answers to the questions below.
How old are your existing locks?
If you’ve moved in within the last seven years and your property isn’t a new build, it’s unlikely that you’ll know exactly when the locks were last changed.
Many people choose to change their locks as soon as they purchase a new home for this reason, and because it’s impossible to know if the previous resident had keys cut for any friends or members of their wider family.
Problems of this kind are unlikely, but it’s often better to be safe than sorry.
Are your locks damaged?
One of the most urgent reasons to get a lock changed is damage following a break-in. This is equally as important for the resident’s peace of mind as it is for the security of the property, and many locksmiths offer an emergency service to ensure it is done as quickly as possible.
Even if your lock hasn’t been forced or purposefully broken, if it is sticking, wobbling, feeling “loose” or displaying any other signs of wear and tear, it’s definitely best to have it fixed or changed.
A damaged lock can make break-ins easier and may also leave you stranded in or outside of your home at an inopportune moment.
Have you lost your keys?
Missing keys aren’t always a cause for concern. After all, if you’ve left them on a train miles away, it will be almost impossible for the finder to know they’re yours.
The problem arises if your address can be identified from anything left alongside your keys, or if you’re not sure when they went missing. In these cases, there’s always the chance that they have been stolen. Changing your locks at this point may be a good idea.
What has changed in your life?
If you’ve been through a divorce or an inhabitant of your home has recently left, you might consider changing your locks. Even if the departure seemed amicable, there is no knowing what might happen a little down the line and it’s always best to take precautions.
Consider each of the questions above when thinking about changing your locks. The safety of your property and its residents is paramount, so if in doubt, take action.
For more information and help finding new door locks and parts available from LockShop Direct, contact our team today on 0191 226 7210 or email
Author: Richard Nash
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