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How To Maintain Window And Door Locks

Monday, 17 October 2022

How To Maintain Window And Door Locks

Window and door locks are some of the most popular security measures homeowners take when it comes to protecting themselves and their belongings. 

But what many aren’t aware of is the importance of lock maintenance.

Keeping your locks clean and oiled ensures they’re in working order at all times - which is key for maximum protection. 

Today we’ll talk you through the steps you need to take to keep your window and door locks as good as new. 

Clean your locks regularly 

This may seem like an obvious first tip, but it’s vital for preventing rust and dirt from building up. 

We recommend you use a lint-free cloth and some elbow grease to clean over locks, keyholes, and strike plates. This limits dampness and mould from appearing - avoiding soap and water further prevents rust from forming in and around your lock. 

Do you need to oil your door locks?

While oil sprays are a great way to lubricate locks, it can cause more problems than you think. 

Although this is a great short-term fix, it can actually increase the amount of grease that sits in the lock, which - over time and numerous re-sprays - can attract dirt and gum up the lock mechanism. 

If the lock gets jammed, oil sprays are a good solution, but don’t become dependent on them. 

Many locksmiths use graphite spray as a lock lubricant. While it solves the problem, dirt doesn’t stick to it, and it can be used regularly without causing permanent damage. 

Check your locks regularly 

Having locks installed for your doors and windows is all well and good, but what if they’re not working as well as you think they are?

Checking your locks for dirt build-up, squeakiness, or general jams makes sure they’re sufficient and keep you safe. 

You can enlist the help of a locksmith if you require the opinion of a professional. This is particularly helpful if you move into a new house and don’t know the history of the window and door locks. 

If problems do arise, it’s recommended you invest in new window locks and door locks to keep intruders away. 

What are the benefits of maintaining your window and door locks?

The key benefit of having properly maintained window and door locks is protecting you and your belongings. It will reduce the risk of break-ins and act as a deterrent to potential intruders.

Did you know having sufficient locks can actually save you money? 

Insurance companies will ask you about your lock types when enquiring about home insurance. Having quality locks shows you’re doing what you can to keep your home protected - increasing the likelihood of your application being approved. 

Contact LockShop Direct today 

Are your window and door locks past the point of no return? You’re in the right place. 

LockShop Direct is the home of quality security systems, including durable and reliable locks that are guaranteed to protect you and your home. 

Feel free to browse our range of window locks and door locks today. If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the team today. You can call us on 0330 174 0851 to chat with us directly, or send your questions to and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

Author: Innocent Olwo

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