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Why Digital Door Locks Are the Best for Home Security

Thursday, 25 October 2018

Why Digital Door Locks Are the Best for Home Security

Technology has advanced significantly throughout recent decades, meaning that while a good sturdy mortice lock and key set is still very much fit for purpose, there are plenty of other options now available - some of which may be even more effective. The digital lock, for example, has been around since the mid-20th century and is an extremely effective modern advancement on older designs. Read on to find out why digital door locks may be the best option for the security of your home.

How Does a Digital Door Lock Work?

Most commonly, a digital lock is operated using a pin code - though some may also have remote locking and unlocking capabilities, or may otherwise be accessible using a key-card or fob. You may also have a physical key to hand for backup. The lock is configured to ensure that, when the correct code is entered on a keypad or the right card or fob is presented, an electronic impulse is sent to a small motor which unlocks the door.

The Digital Door Lock vs the Manual Lock

A lock that is operated using a key - otherwise known as a manual lock - still functions perfectly well in terms of its durability and offers a good level of security as long as it is not compromised. However, it has a few weaknesses that do not exist in digital locks. They are as follows:

Key Breakage

It just takes a moment of clumsiness to bend or snap a door key - a mistake that can result in a number of problems. The first is simply that, should this happen, you would usually have no immediate means of entering your property and would be trapped outside - unless you had a spare key. If you do not, this problem can only be remedied by a visit to a key-cutting shop. The second issue arises if the key snaps within the lock itself. Due to the nature of most locks - namely that they contain a number of small metal bars that move and adjust to allow the key to slide into place - it’s common to find that you can’t simply fish out the broken end. The result of this is both a key and lock that are unusable, and the likelihood that you will have to call a locksmith to replace your key and help you restore your lock.

Key Loss

This problem can be a little more concerning. If you accidentally drop your key down a drain, for example, you know that it’s likely inaccessible to others and that - while it’s irritating that you’ve lost it - it’s easy and safe enough to simply get a new one cut. However, if you’re not sure where you lost your key, there may be reason to be concerned. In this instance, it’s advisable to replace your locks before you get a new key cut - just in case another individual has got hold of your old one with the intention to break into your property.

Locking Yourself In or Out

If your lock can be left on or off “the latch”, it’s surprisingly easy to find yourself and your key on opposite sides of a locked door. This is a frustrating situation, and usually requires you to call a locksmith out to help you.

Benefits of the Digital Lock

With a key-code accessible digital lock, there is no threat of these incidents occurring. All that is required is for you to set a code and memorise it - it can’t be lost, and there is no physical implement that can be broken. Digital locks are also easily usable from both sides of a door, so there’s no chance of you getting locked in or out.

User Tips

You should never leave any physical recording of your digital lock’s code out in public or visible to other individuals, as this is the only way in which another person may be able to gain access to your home. However, it’s very important that you always remember the code you have set for your lock, as this is usually the only way in which you can gain access yourself.

To find out more about digital locks and the models available, feel free to get in touch with LockShop Direct today on 0845 830 0832 or email the company via for friendly help, advice and assistance.

Author: Richard Nash

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